Shuttles from Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne train station to Resorts

Located in Savoie, the Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne - Arvan train station takes you to resort Les Karellis and Resorts des Sybelles.

Practical: the Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne - Arvan bus station (from which the shuttles depart) is located just outside the SNCF train station!

Resorts ski resorts served

Les Karellis
Les Bottières
La Toussuire
Le Corbier

Practical information

Shuttles depart from the Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne bus station, located just outside the SNCF train station.

Station opening hours

Saturday: 6.40am - 6.30pm
Sunday: 6:40 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Weekdays: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Saturday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Open according to train arrivals.


Transalpes and Faure Savoie

Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne station layout - Arvan © SNCF

How to get around by bus

Find your stop

Map of bus stops by line

Resorts Ask at your accommodation or Tourist Office for the nearest bus stop to your accommodation.
Ski resorts often have a free shuttle bus network that allows you to travel freely around resort (with or without skis!) and to link our bus stop to your accommodation.

Consult the schedules

Consult the timetables or go directly to the sales tunnel to find the timetable that suits you best.

Arrival at station

⚠️ Altibus is an online sales platform, not a transport company, so don't look for an "Altibus bus".

Some tips to find your bus:

  • The bus station is located close to the SNCF train station (except Geneva).
  • Look for the signs leading to the bus station
  • Ask the staff on hand or at the station ticket office.
  • Find the right bus by relying on the signs or illuminated panels indicating the direction of travel on the bus.
  • Ask the driver to make sure you're on the right bus.

Departure from resort

Pensez à vérifier le lieu et l’horaire de retour indiqués sur votre billet !
À destination des aéroports, soyez vigilants lors de votre attente à l’arrêt, le véhicule effectuant le trajet gare routière intermédiaire <> station de ski peut être un taxi, un minibus ou un car en fonction du jour et de l’heure de départ.
Si la descente entre la station et la gare routière intermédiaire se fait en autocar, la destination indiquée sur l’autocar sera celle de la gare routière et non celle de l’aéroport.
N’hésitez pas à demander confirmation auprès du conducteur !

Shuttles from Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne train station to Resorts

Located in Savoie, the Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne - Arvan train station takes you to resort Les Karellis and Resorts des Sybelles.

Practical: the Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne - Arvan bus station (from which the shuttles depart) is located just outside the SNCF train station!

Resorts ski resorts served

Les Karellis
Les Bottières
La Toussuire
Le Corbier

Practical information

Shuttles depart from the Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne bus station, located just outside the SNCF train station.

Station opening hours

Saturday: 6.40am - 6.30pm
Sunday: 6:40 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Weekdays: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Saturday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Open according to train arrivals.


Transalpes and Faure Savoie

Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne station layout - Arvan © SNCF

How to get around by bus

Find your stop

Map of bus stops by line

Resorts Ask at your accommodation or Tourist Office for the nearest bus stop to your accommodation.
Ski resorts often have a free shuttle bus network that allows you to travel freely around resort (with or without skis!) and to link our bus stop to your accommodation.

Consult the schedules

Consult the timetables or go directly to the sales tunnel to find the timetable that suits you best.

Arrival at station

⚠️ Altibus is an online sales platform, not a transport company, so don't look for an "Altibus bus".

Some tips to find your bus:

  • The bus station is located close to the SNCF train station (except Geneva).
  • Look for the signs leading to the bus station
  • Ask the staff on hand or at the station ticket office.
  • Find the right bus by relying on the signs or illuminated panels indicating the direction of travel on the bus.
  • Ask the driver to make sure you're on the right bus.

Departure from resort

Pensez à vérifier le lieu et l’horaire de retour indiqués sur votre billet !
À destination des aéroports, soyez vigilants lors de votre attente à l’arrêt, le véhicule effectuant le trajet gare routière intermédiaire <> station de ski peut être un taxi, un minibus ou un car en fonction du jour et de l’heure de départ.
Si la descente entre la station et la gare routière intermédiaire se fait en autocar, la destination indiquée sur l’autocar sera celle de la gare routière et non celle de l’aéroport.
N’hésitez pas à demander confirmation auprès du conducteur !