
As an online booking platform, our mission is to make it easy for travelers to find and purchase their bus ticket to their favorite resort ski resort, from train stations and airports.

Team Altibus

Terms and Conditions of Ticket Sales

This page concerns the General Terms and Conditions of Ticket Sales.
For the conditions of carriage applicable to the service sold, please refer to the General Conditions of Carriage specific to each carrier.

Article 1 - Definitions

Each of the terms mentioned below has the following meaning in these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter "the General Terms and Conditions"):

"Altibus": Altibus.com Company, Sarl with a capital of 24 400 euros, registered in the national register of trade and companies under the number 440 797 371 and registered as such in the clerk's office of the commercial court of CHAMBERY, whose head office is 926, avenue de la Houille Blanche 73000 CHAMBÉRY.

"Postal Ticket": refers to paper tickets to be booked at least 7 days before departure; they are sent to the Customer by post to the address indicated at the time of booking.

"e-Note" means Notes in electronic format. e-Tickets can be displayed either on a screen (smartphone, tablet, etc.) or printed on A4 paper (colour or black and white).

"Carrier": Passenger transport company offering coach services to various destinations for which Altibus sells tickets.

"Booking centre": Service for presenting offers, selling and shipping tickets, in the name and on behalf of the Carriers referenced by Altibus. This service covers coach connections between bus stations, airports and the various destinations served by the Carriers. It is provided by Altibus and can be accessed online on the Altibus.com Portal (and affiliated websites) or by telephone from the Customer Relations Centre operators.

"Altibus.com Portal": All the websites of the Carriers and Altibus allowing access to the services of the Central Booking Office.

"Customer Relations Centre": Centre receiving calls from Customers wishing to access the services of the Central Booking Office by telephone on (price of a local call) or by email at info@altibus.com.

"Customer": A natural person who uses the central reservation service. The Client declares that he/she has the capacity to conclude the General Conditions, i.e. that he/she is of legal majority and is not under guardianship or trusteeship.

"Ticket(s)": Refers to either Postal Tickets or e-Tickets.

 Article 2 - Purpose

2.1 The purpose of the General Terms and Conditions is to set out the terms and conditions for the provision to Customers of the Central Booking Office service as defined in Article 1 above (presentation of Carriers' offers, sale and dispatch of their tickets). They apply to all orders placed with the Carriers via the Altibus Reservation Centre.
The purpose of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale is not to govern the conditions of the contracts of carriage concluded between the Customers and each Carrier via Altibus, which are governed by the Conditions of Carriage specific to each Carrier, as set out in Article 9 below.

2.2 The order of Transport Tickets via the Altibus Central Booking Office is reserved for Clients who have read and accepted the General Terms and Conditions of Sale by ticking a tick during the online booking process or by giving their oral agreement by telephone.
The fact that a Client proceeds to the payment of his order implies an unreserved acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale in their entirety.

Article 3 - Service Description and Availability

3.1 Altibus provides Customers with a system for consulting offers from different Carriers concerning coach connections between different destinations.
These offers specify in particular the routes concerned (place of departure-destination, date, timetable) and the fares in force.
The Customer, after having read the transport offers as well as the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Transport on the Portal, has the possibility of purchasing and paying for the selected Transport Tickets.

3.2 The Altibus Booking Center Service is accessible online on the Altibus.com Portal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, due to the nature of the Internet, Altibus cannot guarantee uninterrupted operation of the Service and therefore declines all liability in this respect.
Similarly, it is not guaranteed that the Altibus Portal is free of computer anomalies or errors (bugs), nor that these can be corrected. It is not guaranteed that the site will function without interruption or breakdown, nor that it is compatible with any particular hardware or configuration other than those expressly validated by Altibus.
Under no circumstances shall Altibus be liable for any type of foreseeable or unforeseeable damage resulting from the use or total or partial impossibility of using the Altibus Portal.
The Client declares that it is aware of the characteristics and limits of the internet, in particular its technical performance, response times for consulting, querying or transferring data and the risks related to the security of communications.
The Client declares that it has checked that the computer configuration it uses does not contain any viruses and that it is in perfect working order.
The Customer acknowledges and expressly waives any claim for any direct or indirect damage that may result from an interruption of service.

3.3 The Altibus Reservation Centre service is also accessible by telephone from the Customer Relations Centre, on working days, during the winter season from Monday to Saturday from 08H00 to 18H30, and in the off-season from Monday to Friday from 08H00 to 18H30 and on Saturdays from 08H00 to 12H00 and from 13H30 to 17H00 on 04 79 68 32 96 (price of a local call).


Article 4 - Ordering and sending tickets


4.1 The Customer may not place an order for Tickets via the Reservation Center for less than 7 days prior to the chosen departure date for Postal Tickets, and up to the time of departure for e-Tickets. The time required to purchase an e-ticket may vary from one carrier to another (from 48 hours to the last minute).
For booking times, please refer to the General Conditions of Carriage specific to each carrier.
Most tickets can also be purchased on site (kiosks or ticket offices), subject to availability on board the vehicle.


4.2 People with reduced mobility requiring adapted transport are transported by special vehicles on regular tourist routes of the Cars Région network, only on Saturdays and at the same times as regular routes. This service is only available with prior reservation, at least 7 days before departure, by calling +33 (0)4 8000 7000.
Special vehicles are not used on the Aéroports de Genève and Lyon routes to the Tarentaise and Maurienne regions.
For other routes, please contact the carrier directly.

4.3 e-Tickets are sent by e-mail to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer; payment is made by bank card or cheque.
Postal Tickets are sent by post to the address indicated by the Customer, at the latest 7 days before the first journey; payment is made by bank card or cheque.
e-Tickets and postal tickets can be modified in accordance with article 7 of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.
e-Tickets and postal tickets are refundable in accordance with article 8 of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

4.4 The Client may place his order by telephone via the Customer Relations Centre or online on the Altibus.com Portal.
In all cases, he shall make the following choices: the places of departure and arrival, the dates and times and the number and category of travellers.
The Client must then provide certain information (in particular on the identity of the principal traveller), and he undertakes to provide reliable and authentic information in the various stages of his order.

4.5 In case of order via the Altibus.com Portal, the Client will mark his acceptance of the General Sales Conditions by ticking the box provided for this purpose. The client authorizes Altibus.com to contact him in order to evaluate the quality of his services.
At the end of the order, a summary will be presented to the Client. The latter can then confirm his order by clicking on the corresponding box and proceed to his online payment. It is the Client's responsibility to check their basket before paying for their booking. In the event of an error message during payment, the client may contact the Customer Relations Centre on 04 79 68 32 96 (price of a local call).
Once the order has been placed, the customer will receive an e-mail confirming the order.
For information purposes, by choosing the "e-ticket" option, the generation of the e-ticket and its automatic sending to the Customer's e-mail address are instantaneous. However, as certain technical constraints may slow down the process, it may take a few hours for the Customer to receive the e-Ticket. In the event of any anomaly or failure to receive the e-ticket by e-mail, the Customer is invited to contact the Customer Relations Centre before departure by telephone on 04 79 68 32 96 (price of a local call) or by e-mail at info@altibus.com. No refunds will be made on the day of departure if tickets are not received.

4.6 The Customer is obliged to show his/her Ticket when boarding the Coach. He/she must keep it for the duration of the journey. The e-Ticket may be printed on an A4 sheet of paper or presented on an electronic medium (smartphone, tablet, etc.) provided that it is perfectly legible. Any illegible e-ticket (whether due to poor printing or a smartphone battery failure) will be refused and the Customer will have to pay for a new ticket in order to travel, with no possibility of reimbursement.
The order confirmation email and the payment receipt are not considered as a ticket.

4.7 In case of order by phone via the Customer Relations Centre, the operator will make a verbal summary of the order to the Client, which the Client will have to accept for the order to be effectively registered. An order number will also be communicated to the Client.
The Ticket(s) will be sent either by post to the Client or by email to the address mentioned at the time of the order, as soon as Altibus has received the payment of the order from the Client.
In the event of non-receipt of the Tickets by the Client, the latter is invited to contact the Customer Relations Centre on 04 79 68 32 96 (price of a local call) or by email at info@altibus.com in sufficient time before his departure. Requests to return tickets cannot be processed on the day of departure. No refunds will be made on the day of departure if tickets are not received.

4.8 Each carrier has its own pricing policy. As a result, price ranges and handling fees may vary from one journey to another.
These handling fees contribute to the operation of our platform and allow us to offer you services such as a customer service based in Savoie, available 6 days a week (by telephone on +33 4 79 68 32 96, by e-mail or on social networks).

Regional Bus Network (AIG, BSG, CCM, MOG, MSG, SAG, SMG tickets) :

  • 1 traveller : 1,20€ ;
  • 2 travellers : 1,50€ ;
  • 3 travellers : 1,70€ ;
  • 4 travellers : 2€ ;
  • 5 travellers : 2,20€ ;
  • 6 travellers : 2,50€ ;
  • 7 travellers and more: 2,70€.

A supplement of €4 is applied for the postal delivery of the regional bus tickets.

Arlysère Blanc (TRP tickets): 1,20€.

Arlysère Faure (ARF tickets) : 1,20€ .

Article 5 - Financial conditions

5.1 The rates of the Carriers mentioned on the Altibus.com Portal or by the operators of the Customer Relations Centre are in Euros, all taxes included (TTC).
Altibus sells on behalf of the Carrier. As such, Altibus collects the VAT on behalf of the Carrier.
The Carriers' tariffs are subject to change:

  • for the lines of the Cars Région network: once a year in September;
  • for the other lines: according to the requests of the Carriers concerned.

The rate applicable to a given order is the rate in effect at the time of purchase.

5.2 Orders placed through the Altibus.com Portal are payable by credit card (CB, VISA, MASTERCARD) exclusively through a secure SSL payment system. Altibus has indeed adopted the SSL encryption process, which ensures the reliability of exchanges and transactions by encrypting at the time of their entry all personal data essential to process orders, such as addresses, e-mails and bank details. The accepted bank cards are identified by an icon at the time of payment.

5.3 Orders placed via the Customer Relations Centre are payable either by credit card at the time of ordering, or by cheque made out to Altibus and sent after the order to the following address: 926a, Avenue de la Houille Blanche 73000 CHAMBERY.

5.4 Regardless of the method of payment, the Transport Tickets are only dispatched after full payment of the order price.

Article 6 - Final order and proof of order

6.1 In accordance with article L121-16-1)9° of the Consumer Code, the fourteen-day withdrawal period is not applicable to orders placed under these Terms and Conditions.
The Customer's order is firm, definitive and irrevocable, after payment of the price by the Customer, subject to what is said in articles 7 and 8 below.

6.2 By express agreement, the data coming from the Altibus computer system constitute writings within the meaning of article 1316-1 of the Civil Code, the link between these data and the Client to which they relate being presumed until proof to the contrary. They therefore constitute proof between the Parties and are enforceable against them in the same way under the same conditions and with the same probative force as any document that would have been written and signed on paper by the Parties.

Article 7 - Order modification

7.1 By derogation to what is said in article 6 above, the Client may ask to change the time and date of his reservation in certain cases:

  • up to and including the 7th day before the date of his journey for Postal Tickets sent by Altibus by post ;
  • - between 5 minutes and 48 hours before the departure date of the outward journey for e-tickets, the timeframe varying according to the routes and carriers.

To make a change to the ticket, the Customer must provide his/her ticket number (starting with one or three letters followed by numbers) and follow the online procedure.
Only changes to the departure/arrival days and times are possible. In the case of a change in the place of departure/arrival or in the number of persons, this is equivalent to a cancellation (see the cancellation conditions detailed in article 8 below).

7.2 Exceptions
For journeys between Cluses and Flaine - Les Carroz d'Araches and La Frasse, the conditions of sale are those of Arvi Mobility. Changes for Mondays or the day after a public holiday must be made 48 hours before departure.

7.3 For trips to/from Geneva airport - Resorts de la Tarentaire (ALP), the carrier reserves the right to modify the trip booked no later than 7 days before departure. The modification will allow the customer to leave the airport on the day initially booked after the arrival of his flight or to access the airport on the day initially booked before the departure of his flight.
Confirmation of the change will be made by email or telephone.

7.4 Altibus will make its best efforts to make the desired modification according to the availability of the Carriers concerned. However, Altibus cannot guarantee that the modification can be carried out in all cases.

7.5 Round trip tickets are inseparable. Modifications concern the entire reservation file; it is therefore not possible to modify a single passenger or trip.
A ticket with a modified date cannot be refunded.

 Article 8 - Cancellation and refund of the order

8.1 Notwithstanding what is stated in article 6 above, in the case of an order via the central reservation system for Tickets sent by Altibus, the Client may cancel his reservation by mail (Altibus - 926 av de la Houille Blanche - 73000 Chambéry), by email (info@altibus.com), or via the cancellation module present on the website www.altibus.com, and ask for the reimbursement of the sums paid in exchange for the Ticket(s) purchased according to the General Terms and Conditions of Sale available on the website www.altibus.com.
The cancellation request will be taken into account from the date of receipt of the Client's letter.
The postal Tickets must be returned by post and must not have been the subject of any modifications, deletions or erasures This is a condition precedent to the refund.

8.2Round trip Tickets are inseparable. Modifications or cancellations concern the entire reservation file, so it is not possible to modify or cancel a single passenger or trip. The refund rate will be determined according to the date of the first trip, the trip made and the date the request is received.
A ticket with a modified date is no longer refundable.

8.3 The refund is made to the Credit Card used for the purchase. In the event that it is no longer possible to make a refund on the Credit Card (expired card, e-card...), the refund will be made by bank transfer. A handling fee of 10€ will be applied in this case.

8.4 Cancellation and refund conditions are specific to each Carrier and are detailed below:


🚄 Line from/to the bus station ofAime

Main destinations : Belle Plagne, Montalbert & La Plagne

Carrier in charge of this route : Voyages Loyet (Cars Région network)
Ticket title : AIG

Ticket cancellation policy:

  • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 95% refund (except booking fees);
  • From 8 to 15 calendar days before departure: 85% refund (except booking fees);
  • From 1 to 7 calendar days before the day of departure: 50% refund (except booking fees).


Reminder: Booking fees or postage costs will never be refunded.
No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel(s).
Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.
Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

🚄 Lines to/from the Albertville bus station

Main destination : Arêches-Beaufort

Carrier in charge of this route: Autocars Blanc (Arlysère network)
Ticket title : ARB
Ticketcancellation conditions :

  • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 95% refund (except booking fees);
  • From 8 to 15 calendar days before departure: 85% refund (except booking fees);
  • 1 to 7 calendar days prior to departure: 50% refund (excluding handling fees)


Main destinations : Les SaisiesHauteluce, La Giettaz & Le Cernix

Carrier in charge of this route: Faure Savoie (Arlysère network)
Ticket title : ARF
Ticketcancellation conditions:

  • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 95% refund (except booking fees);
  • From 8 to 15 calendar days before departure: 85% refund (except booking fees);
  • 1 to 7 calendar days prior to departure: 50% refund (excluding handling fees)


Main destinations: Annecy, Doussard, Ugine

Carrier in charge of this line: Transdev Bassin Annécien
Ticket title: Y51
Ticket cancellation conditions:

  • More than 48 hours before the trip: 100% refund (- 2€ cancellation fee);
  • Within 48 hours of departure: non-refundable ticket.


Reminder: Booking fees or postage costs will never be refunded.
No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel(s).
Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.
Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

🚄 Lines from/to Annecy bus station

Main destinations: Annecy, Doussard, Ugine, Albertville

Carrier in charge of this line: Transdev Bassin Annécien
Ticket title: Y51
Ticket cancellation conditions:

  • More than 48 hours before the trip: 100% refund (- 2€ cancellation fee);
  • Within 48 hours of departure: non-refundable ticket.


Main destinations: Annecy, La Clusaz, Le Grand Bornand

Carrier in charge of this route: Alpbus
Ticket name: Y62
Ticket cancellation conditions:

  • More than 48 hours before the trip: 100% refund (- 2€ cancellation fee);
  • Within 48 hours of departure: non-refundable ticket.


Reminder: Booking fees or postage costs will never be refunded.
No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel(s).
Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.
Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

🚄 Lines from/to Annemasse bus station

Main destinations : Taninges, Samoens, Sixt-Fer-A-Cheval

Carrier in charge of this route : Autocars Jacquet
Ticket name : JAC
Ticket cancellation conditions :

  • More than 15 days before departure: 100% refund (- 1€ cancellation fee);
  • Between 14 and 2 days before departure: 70% refund (-1€ cancellation fee) 
  • Less than 2 days before departure: non-refundable ticket.


Reminder: Booking fees or postage costs will never be refunded.
No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel(s).
Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.
Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

🚄 Lines to/from the Bourg-Saint-Maurice bus station

Main destinations: La Rosière, Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise, Tignes & Val d'Isère

Carrier in charge of these routes: Transdev Martin (Cars Region network)
Ticket name: BSG
Cancellation conditions for postal tickets:

Ticket cancellation policy:

  • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 95% refund (except booking fees);
  • From 8 to 15 calendar days before departure: 85% refund (except booking fees);
  • From 1 to 7 calendar days before the day of departure: 50% refund (except booking fees).


    Reminder: Booking fees or postage costs will never be refunded.
    No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel(s).
    Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.
    Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

    🚄 Lines to/from the bus station in Cluses

    Main destinations: Les Carroz & Flaine

    Carrier in charge of these routes: TRAI Cluses (Arvi Mobilité network)
    Ticket name: CLF
    Ticketcancellation conditions:

    • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 100% refund;
    • 14 calendar days prior to the day of departure: non-refundable ticket.

    Requests for refunds can only be made by email to info@altibus.com.

    The cancellation module on www.altibus.com does not allow you to cancel a CLF ticket.

              Main destinations: Morzine, Les Gets, Taninges, Praz de Lys

    Carrier in charge of this route : Autocars Jacquet
    Ticket name : JAC
    Ticket cancellation conditions :

    • More than 15 days before departure: 100% refund (- 1€ cancellation fee);
    • Between 14 and 2 days before departure: 70% refund (-1€ cancellation fee)
    • Less than 2 days before departure: non-refundable ticket.


    Booking fees or postage costs will never be refunded.
    No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel(s).
    Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.
    Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

    🚄 Lines to/from Geneva bus station

    Main destinations: Morzine, Avoriaz and Châtel

    Carrier in charge of this route: SAT Autocars
    Ticketname: SLM
    Ticket cancellation conditions:

    • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 100% refund (-1€ cancellation fee);
    • 8 to 14 calendar days before departure: 50% refund (-1€ cancellation fee);
    • From 1 to 7 calendar days before the day of departure: non-refundable ticket.


     Main destinations: La Clusaz, Le Grand Bornand

    Carrier in charge of this route: Ballanfat Autocars
    Ticketname: BAL
    Ticket cancellation policy:

    • Until 5pm the day before, 100% refund (-5 € processing fee);
    • From 5pm the day before and the day of, non-refundable ticket


    Reminder: Booking fees or postage costs will never be refunded.
    No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel(s).
    Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.
    Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

    🚄 Lines to/from the Landry bus station

    Main destinations : Montchavin & Les Coches

    Carrier in charge of these routes : Voyages Loyet (Cars Région network)
    Ticket title : AIG

    Ticket cancellation policy:

    • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 95% refund (except booking fees);
    • From 8 to 15 calendar days before departure: 85% refund (except booking fees);
    • From 1 to 7 calendar days before the day of departure: 50% refund (except booking fees).


    Main destination : Peisey-Vallandry

    Carrier in charge of these routes: Voyages Loyet
    Title of tickets : LAP
    Ticket cancellation policy:

    • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 100% refund (except file fees);
    • From 8 to 14 calendar days before departure: 50% refund (except booking fees);
    • From 1 to 7 calendar days before the day of departure: non-refundable ticket.


    Reminder: Booking fees or postage costs are never refunded.
    No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel.
    Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.
    Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

    🚄 Lines from/to Modane bus station

    Main destinations: Valfréjus, Aussois, La Norma, Val Cenis & Bonneval-sur-Arc

    Carrier in charge of these routes: Transdev Savoie (Cars Région network)
    Ticket name: MSG

    Ticket cancellation policy:

    • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 95% refund (except booking fees);
    • From 8 to 15 calendar days before departure: 85% refund (except booking fees);
    • From 1 to 7 calendar days before the day of departure: 50% refund (except booking fees).


    Reminder: Booking fees or postage costs will never be refunded.
    No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel(s).
    Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.
    Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

    🚄 Lines to/from the bus station of Moûtiers

    Main destinations: Valmorel, Les Ménuires, Val Thorens, Méribel, Courchevel & Pralognan, Doucy

    Carrier in charge of these routes: Alpbus (Cars Région network)
    Ticket name: MOG

    Ticket cancellation policy:

    • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 95% refund (except booking fees);
    • From 8 to 15 calendar days before departure: 85% refund (except booking fees);
    • From 1 to 7 calendar days before the day of departure: 50% refund (except booking fees).


      Booking fees or postage costs are never refunded.
      No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel.
      Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund only one passenger on the booking.
      Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

      🚄 Lines from/to Sallanches bus station

      Main destinations : Les Contamines, Megève, Praz sur Arly & Saint-Gervais

      Carrier: SAT Autocars
      Ticketname: SLI
      Ticket cancellation policy :

      • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 100% refund (-1€ cancellation fee);
      • From 2 to 15 calendar days before departure: 50% refund (-1€ cancellation fee);
      • Less than 2 days before departure: non-refundable ticket.


      Carrier: Borini
      Ticket name: BOR
      Ticket cancellation conditions :

      • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 100% refund (-1€ cancellation fee);
      • From 2 to 15 calendar days before departure: 50% refund (-1€ cancellation fee);
      • Less than 2 days before departure: non-refundable ticket.


      Reminder: Booking fees or postage costs will never be refunded.
      No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel(s).
      Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.
      Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

      🚄 Line to/from the bus station of Saint-Avre

      Main destination: Saint-François-Longchamp

      Carrier in charge of these routes : Faure Savoie (Cars Région network)
      Ticket name : SAG

      Ticket cancellation policy:

      • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 95% refund (except booking fees);
      • From 8 to 15 calendar days before departure: 85% refund (except booking fees);
      • From 1 to 7 calendar days before the day of departure: 50% refund (except booking fees).


      Reminder: Booking fees or postage costs are never refunded.
      No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel.
      Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.
      Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

      🚄 Lines to/from the bus station in Saint-Gervais-les-Bains

      Main destinations : Les Contamines, Les Houches & Chamonix

      Carrier: SAT Autocars
      Ticketname: SLI
      Ticket cancellation policy:

      • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 100% refund (-1€ cancellation fee);
      • From 2 to 15 calendar days before departure: 50% refund (-1€ cancellation fee);
      • Less than 2 days before departure: non-refundable ticket.


      Carrier: Borini
      Ticket name: BOR
      Ticket cancellation conditions :

      • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 100% refund (-1€ cancellation fee);
      • From 2 to 15 calendar days before departure: 50% refund (-1€ cancellation fee);
      • Less than 2 days before departure: non-refundable ticket.


      Reminder: Booking fees or postage costs will never be refunded.
      No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel(s).
      Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.
      Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

      🚄 Lines to/from the Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne bus station

      Main tickets: Les Karellis

      Carrier in charge of these lines: Trans'Alpes (Community of Communes Coeur de Maurienne Arvan network)
      Ticket name: CCM

      Ticket cancellation policy:

      • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 95% refund (except booking fees);
      • From 8 to 15 calendar days before departure: 85% refund (except booking fees);
      • From 1 to 7 calendar days before the day of departure: 50% refund (except booking fees).


      Main destinations: Valloire & Valmeinier

      Carrier in charge of these routes: Transdev Savoie (Cars Region network)
      Ticket name: MSG

      Ticket cancellation policy:

      • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 95% refund (except booking fees);
      • From 8 to 15 calendar days before departure: 85% refund (except booking fees);
      • From 1 to 7 calendar days before the day of departure: 50% refund (except booking fees).

        Main destinations: La Toussuire, Le Corbier, Saint-Jean-d'Arves, Saint-Sorlin-d'Arves

        Carrier in charge of these routes : Faure Savoie (Cars Region network)
        Ticket name : SMG

        Ticket cancellation policy:

        • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 95% refund (except booking fees);
        • From 8 to 15 calendar days before departure: 85% refund (except booking fees);
        • From 1 to 7 calendar days before the day of departure: 50% refund (except booking fees).


      Reminder: Booking fees or postage costs will never be refunded.
      No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel(s).
      Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.
      Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

      🚄 Lines to/from the bus station in Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne

      Main destinations: Valloire & Valmeinier

      Carrier in charge of these routes: Transdev Savoie (Cars Région network)
      Ticket name: MSG

      Ticket cancellation policy:

      • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 95% refund (except booking fees);
      • From 8 to 15 calendar days before departure: 85% refund (except booking fees);
      • From 1 to 7 calendar days before the day of departure: 50% refund (except booking fees).


      Reminder: Booking fees or postage costs will never be refunded.
      No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel(s).
      Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.
      Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

      🚄 Lines to/from the bus station of Thonon-les-Bains

      Main destinations : Châtel, Morzine & Avoriaz

      Carrier in charge of these routes: SAT Autocars
      Ticketname: SLM
      Ticket cancellation conditions:

      • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 100% refund(-1€ cancellation fee);
      • 2 to 14 calendar days before departure: 50% refund(-1€ cancellation fee);
      • Less than 2 days before departure: non-refundable ticket.


      Booking fees or postage costs are never refunded.
      No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel.
      Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.
      Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

      ✈️ Lines to/from Geneva Airport

      Main destinations : the Resorts ski resorts of the Tarentaise valley

      Carrier in charge of this route: Alpski
      Tickettitle : ALP
      Cancellation Policy :

      • Eco rate 

        • More than 20 calendar days before departure: 50% refund (-5€ processing fee)
        • 7 to 20 calendar days before departure: 25% refund (-5€ processing fee)
        • Less than 7 days: no refund

        Premium rate 

        • Up to 4 days before departure: 100% refund (-5€ processing fee)
        • Less than 4 days: no refund

      Important : In case of force majeure on trips from Geneva airport to the Tarentaise Valley (Tickets beginning with ALP), refunds will be granted in the case of extreme situations resulting from the imposition of national or international precautions. These refunds will be based on the severity of the situation and in accordance with European travel regulations.
      You must ensure that you arrive at the airport with sufficient time to clear airport security and make it to the gate in time for your flight. We recommend that you arrive at least 3 hours before your scheduled departure time.


      Main destination: Alpe d'Huez

      Carrier in charge of this route: Transdev Bassin Annecien
      Tickettitle : ADH
      Ticketcancellation conditions :

      • More than 15 calendar days before departure: 95% refund;
      • From 8 to 15 calendar days before departure: 85% refund;
      • From 1 to 7 calendar days before departure: 50% refund.


      Main destinations : Morzine, Avoriaz and Châtel

      Carrier in charge of this route: SAT Autocars
      Ticketname: SLM
      Ticket cancellation conditions:

      • + More than 15 calendar days before departure: 100% refund (except file fees);
      • From 8 to 14 calendar days before departure: 50% refund (except booking fees);
      • From 1 to 7 calendar days before the day of departure: non-refundable ticket.


      Main destinations: La Clusaz, Le Grand Bornand

      Carrier in charge of this route: Ballanfat Autocars
      Ticketname: BAL
      Ticket cancellation policy:

      • Until 5pm the day before, 100% refund (-5 € processing fee)
      • From 5pm the day before and the day of, non-refundable ticket

       Main destinations: Les Carroz - Flaine

      Carrier in charge of this route: Eurobus
      Ticket name: EUB
      Ticket cancellation conditions :

      • More than 48 hours before departure: 100% refund (- €5 processing fee)
      • On the day of departure and up to 48 hours before departure: no refund


      Reminder: Booking fees or postage costs are never refunded.
      No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel.
      Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.

      ✈️ Line to/from Lyon Airport

        Main destinations : the Resorts ski resorts of the Tarentaise valley

      Carrier in charge of this route: Transdev Savoie & Faure Savoie (LYS'Express)
      Ticket title: NAS
      Ticket cancellation conditions:

      Eco rate 

      • More than 20 calendar days before departure: 50% refund (-5€ processing fee)
      • 7 to 20 calendar days before departure: 25% refund (-5€ processing fee)
      • Less than 7 days: no refund

      Premium rate 

      • Up to 4 days before departure: 100% refund (-5€ processing fee)
      • Less than 4 days: no refund 


      Reminder: Booking fees or postage costs are never refunded.
      No tickets will be refunded if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel(s).
      Round-trip tickets cannot be split. Modifications or refunds are applied to the entire reservation. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey within the booking.
      You must ensure that you arrive at the airport with sufficient time to clear airport security and make it to the boarding gate in time for your flight .We recommend that you arrive at least 3 hours before your scheduled departure time.

      ✈️ Line to/from Pau airport

      Main destinations: Resorts ski in the Pyrenees

      Carrier in charge of this route: Air'py
      Ticket title : AIP
      Ticket cancellation policy:

      • More than 15 calendar days before departure: 95% refund;
      • From 8 to 15 calendar days before departure: 85% refund;
      • From 1 to 7 calendar days before departure: 50% refund.



      Reminder: Booking fees or postage costs will never be refunded.
      No ticket refunds will be made if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel(s).
      Return tickets cannot be split. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire booking. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger or a single journey in the booking.
      Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

      🎢 Lines to/from Walibi

      Departures : Annecy & Chambéry

      Carrier in charge of this route: Transdev Bassin Annecien
      Ticket name: WAL
      Ticket cancellation conditions:

      • More than 15 calendar days before departure: 95% refund;
      • From 8 to 15 calendar days before departure: 85% refund;
      • From 1 to 7 calendar days before departure: 50% refund.



      Reminder: Reservation fees or shipping costs are never refunded.
      No ticket refunds will be issued if the date of receipt of the written cancellation request is on or after the scheduled date of travel(s).
      Round-trip tickets are on the same day and cannot be separated. Changes or refunds are applied to the entire reservation. It is therefore not possible to change or refund a single passenger.
      Tickets purchased at a promotional fare are non-refundable.

      8.5 The customer can take out cancellation insurance with Assurmix via Altibus.com. Cancellation insurance amounts to 6.50% of the basket price, with a minimum of 2€, and is non-refundable.
      By ticking the box "I wish to take out cancellation insurance", the Customer accepts the conditions and limits of the guarantee detailed here in the summary of guarantees and exclusions, the guarantee contract, and the product sheet, which also specify the use made of my personal data.

      Thanks to the all-cause cancellation guarantee, strikes are included in the guarantees unless the strike notice is issued before the purchase of the tickets and the cancellation of trains is announced before the purchase of the ticket . In the event of a claim for which the customer is entitled to reimbursement in accordance with the insurer's terms and conditions, the customer must send the insurer all the documents required to set up the file with Assurmix by telephone from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm on +33 (0)9 69 39 32 75 or by email: assurteam@assurmix.fr.

      • The Customer must notify Altibus.com as soon as the loss occurs. If the Customer cancels late, Assurmix will only be able to cover the cancellation costs due on the date of the occurrence of the event.
      • For a cancellation or an interruption of the stay, the original invoice for the transport as well as any information proving that the Client was unable to use the transport will be systematically requested.

      Article 9 - Respective missions of Altibus, the carrier and the conditions of carriage

      The Client acknowledges that Altibus does not provide the Client's transport, but only the Central Reservation and Sales Office service described in article 3, its mission being limited to the sale of the Titles of the Carriers concerned.

      Consequently, the Customer acknowledges that :

      • Altibus has fully met its obligations by providing the Client with Tickets in accordance with the order summary sent by e-mail to the Client in the case of an order on the Portal, or communicated orally by the advisor in the case of an order by telephone.
      • Altibus does not assume any responsibility in case of cancellation of the stay due to a third party (cancellation of the flight, the train, the residence...) and will apply, in case of cancellation of the transport, the modalities defined in the General Conditions of Sale or the General Conditions of Transport if the request is the responsibility of the Carrier.

      The general conditions of carriage are available by following this link.
      The Customer therefore undertakes to turn exclusively to the Carrier concerned for any dispute or claim relating to the conditions of carriage.

      Article 10 - Protection of personal data

      10.1 In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, the Altibus.com Portal has been declared to the CNIL under the number 826413.

      10.2 The information collected is subject to computer processing intended to manage your registration. It allows Altibus to send the Clients their Tickets and to inform them of transport difficulties on the route (excessive snow, closed road, etc.). They also allow Altibus to inform the Client about the existence of new services and to evaluate the quality of its services via a trusted third party.
      The recipients of the data are Altibus.com and the coach company providing the transport.

      10.3 In accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act, each Client has the right to access, modify or delete the data he has entered at the time of his reservation.
      The Client may carry out these operations by sending an e-mail to the address info@altibus.com, or a letter to Altibus, 926, avenue de la Houille Blanche, 73000 CHAMBERY.

      Article 11 - Force majeure

      Altibus shall not be liable if the execution of the General Terms and Conditions is delayed or prevented due to force majeure or fortuitous event, due to the other Party or a third party or due to external causes such as social conflicts or strikes, intervention of civil or military authorities, fire, water damage, malfunctioning or interruption of the telecommunication network or the electrical network
      In all cases, Altibus shall do everything in its power to limit the duration and effects of the fortuitous event, force majeure or external cause.

      Article 12 - Intellectual property

      The elements accessible on the Site, in particular its interface, trademarks, texts, images, photographs, maps, sounds and videos are protected by intellectual property rights.
      The reproduction or representation of all or part of any of these elements is strictly forbidden without prior written authorisation from the copyright holder.

      Article 13 - Miscellaneous provisions

      13.1 Altibus reserves the right to unilaterally modify the terms of the General Conditions. The new clauses will apply to all reservations made after their entry into force and only the new version will be binding between the parties.

      13.2 The General Terms and Conditions express the entirety of the obligations of the parties. No other general or specific conditions may be incorporated into the General Terms and Conditions unless expressly agreed by Altibus.

      13.3 In the event that one of the provisions hereof is considered null and void by virtue of a legal or regulatory provision, present or future, or of a court decision with the authority of res judicata and emanating from a competent court or body, this provision shall be considered as unwritten, all other provisions of the General Terms and Conditions remaining binding between the Parties.

      Article 14 - Applicable law and jurisdiction

      The General Terms and Conditions of Sale are subject to French law. Any dispute relating thereto shall be brought before the competent court.